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How-to: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS minidlna fixes after upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

This is how I solved the problem with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS minidlna after upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. MiniDLNA is a lightweight DLNA/UPnP media server. The MiniDNLA daemon serves media files (music, pictures, and video) to clients on a network. My setup before the upgrade was as follows: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS […]

Upgraded Ubuntu to Natty — 11.04 — eventually

Yes, I know that Oneiric (11.10) is also released but I am only getting around to upgrading my Ubuntu boxes now.  I have 2 Ubuntu desktops and decided to ugrade one of them yesterday from Maverick to Natty.  And I was pleasantly surprised how smooth the upgrade went.  It is not a new machine, in […]

Ubuntu upgrade to 10.10 – nVidia problems and how to fix.

Today I took the plunge and upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 on one of my machines and had 2 problems.  The one was self inflicted and the other one is a known issue with the nvidia-96 driver which does not work with Xorg 1.9.  So you may wonder why I use a old driver like […]

Happy Birthday Debian – sweet 17

I have the privilege to share my birthday with some wellknown  people like Madonna (same age) and also the one thing that underpins the Operating System I use on a daily basis.  Yesterday, 16 August and 17 years ago Debian was born.  And Debian is the grand daddy of Ubuntu and all things **buntu*. Congrats to Debian […]

Ubuntu, XBMC and Android — almost as good as .. well you know what :)

I have a desktop running Ubuntu 10.4 and the latest version of XBMC as my Media Centre.  It is used for all my Media requirements whether it is to watch Movies or some Series, looking at photographs or listening to my music collection.  Up until today I had to control it either via a mouse […]

Why I use Google Chrome more and more on Ubuntu 10.04?

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and have both Google Chrome (v 5.0.375.38 beta) and Firefox (v 3.6.3) installed.  Although Firefox is still setup as my default browser, I find myself using Chrome more and more and it is mainly for the following reasons: Chrome starts up much, much faster than Firefox.  I have almost the […]

Upgrade to Lucid — 2 done (sort of), 1 to go

As mentioned in this post and this one, I have 3 machines to upgrade. Today, I bit the bullet and did my IBM production workstation.  As mentioned in this post, the upgrade path is not the normal Ubuntu one but an internal IBM one.  It went fairly well except for the internal part that failed.  […]

Ubuntu EMEA Regional Board – 2 from SA

Congratulations to David and Jonathan who was elected to the Ubuntu EMEA Regional Board.  It is great to see 2 South Africans flying the Ubuntu flag.  Here is the full EMEA Board: Jonathan Carter (still on board) Laura Czajkowski Alan Pope Dennis Kaarsemaker Stéphane Graber Oliver Grawert David Rubin Also good to see some ladies […]

Upgrade to Lucid — 1 done, 2 to go.

Yes, upgraded one of my Karmic desktops to Lucid.  It was the machine that I guessed would have been the easiest to upgrade since it was a fresh install of Karmic and not much was added in the sense of PPA’s.  The upgrade went smooth except at one place it poped up a window that […]

Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) — when to upgrade

So Ubuntu 10.04 was released yesterday with some problems.  First there was the memory leak issue and then some issue around GRUB2 which meant that the ISO’s had to be re-rolled.  I have 3 machines that needs to be upgraded over the next week or so.  One of them is my IBM (yes I work […]