Displaying posts published in

April 2009

Are you ready for Juanty – Ubuntu 9.04

The next version of Ubuntu, 9.04 or better known as Juanty will be officially available later today from your favourite mirror. I have not looked at anything of Jaunty during the development process, so it will be a surprise for me and I cannot wait in upgrading both my Ubuntu and Kubuntu home desktops.  My […]

My volgende blyplek .. weg van alles en almal.

From the page Famous last words of Marius: of dalk hier .. Posted via email from Marius posterous blog

Installing original (Gold) Windows XP on new PCI/PCI-e based motherboard

I was asked to install Windows XP on a new PCI/PCI-e based machine.  I tried to convince the person to install Ubuntu but since this person is a photographer, she wanted Photoshop. Yes I did explain that GIMP can do everything Photoshop can do. I only had an original (Gold) Windows XP and when trying […]

What 24hrs can mean — IBM/SUN deal might not happen

IBM Withdraws $7 Billion Bid For Sun Microsystems from Gizmodo by Jack Loftus The $7 billion deal between IBM and Sun Microsystems has all but failed, say sources at the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Sources say Sun balked at IBM's latest offer and IBM eventually withdrew sometime today. Posted via email […]

Sunrise after a thunderstorm

From the page Famous last words of Marius: After the heat of yesterday and last night, we had some sort of a thunderstorm and rain here in the Cape.  This morning, still with the clouds around we had this sunrise. I will upload some more photos to my Photo Gallery here. Look in the Nature […]

IBM/SUN — looks like a done deal

It looks like IBM will announce in the coming week the acquisition of SUN for about $7billion.  Whether it will get a smooth ride to approval is another subject. Posted via email from Marius posterous blog