Displaying posts published in

July 2010

Froyo (Android 2.2) for HTC Desire but when in SA – also how to manually upgrade.

Coming week HTC will start to roll out Froyo (Android 2.2) to some users in Europe. Just to give you an idea what is new in Froyo: 720p video recording iTunes syncing via HTC’s Sync software — this is for all you Windows guys/gals out there The “AppShare” widget that came on the Wildfire Smart CallerID In […]

Ubuntu, XBMC and Android — almost as good as .. well you know what :)

I have a desktop running Ubuntu 10.4 and the latest version of XBMC as my Media Centre.  It is used for all my Media requirements whether it is to watch Movies or some Series, looking at photographs or listening to my music collection.  Up until today I had to control it either via a mouse […]

Update on HTC Desite SD Card that loose write access

I have blogged about my problems with my HTC Desire SD Card here and here before. I have managed to get another 4GB Sandisk SDHC card but the problem still persist.  I have tried the following: Use the card as it was formatted when I received it .. just copied the data across from my […]