Displaying posts published in

October 2009

Karmic upgrade — Network Manager with DSL connections not working

Just upgraded from Jaunty to Karmic on my Desktop and everything went fairly smoothly.  One major issue is that DSL Connections with Network Manager does not work.  This worked fine in Jaunty.  I use a couple of different DSL accounts and switch between them as I need with Network Manager .. that was in Jaunty.  […]

2 Done, 2 to go

So what the heck am I talking about.  Since this is suppose to be a technical blog it can only be about Ubuntu and in this case upgrading to Karmic Koala ala Ubuntu 9.10. The first that was running Karmic is my Compaq Laptop and that has been on the Karmic road since Alpha 6 […]

Ubuntu 9.10 ala Karmic Koala is out – get it while it is hot.

I have been running Ubuntu on multiple machines since around the 7 release and yesterday Karmic Koala officially became Ubuntu 9.10.  I am already running it on one of my laptops and I must say, I am impressed with this release.  In my opinion this is the best Ubuntu release by far.  Congrats to the […]

APT-GET performance improvement

On some network connections (particularly my corporate network), I had this issue when APT-GET was updating the repositories or downloading packages that it just would stand still for a minute or so and continue then.  This would happen after every 100KB or so.  I have found the following settings that improved the performance a lot […]

Paul Thurrott – no wonder nobody takes you serious.

In the latest email newsletter from Paul Thurrott he had the following piece of wisdom: Oh Good, I Was Just Hoping for Another Webmail SolutionIBM continued its long slide into irrelevancy this week by releasing yet another corporate email solution that no one was asking for. Actually, it’s more of a competitor for Google Apps, […]