Displaying posts published in

August 2009

So who owns the Unix copyright if not Novell

A Federal Appeals court judge has just overturned the 2007 judgement against SCO that Novell owns the Unix copyright. In a 54-page decision, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals said it was reversing the 2007 summary judgment decision by Judge Dale Kimball of the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, which found that […]

Linux (Ubuntu) fixes Windows

Well, it at least fixed a problem of Windows not being able to boot.  From ITWire: What do you do when Windows will not boot and cannot repair itself from the installation CD? You fire up a Linux Live CD! I always carry around a Ubuntu Live CD with me.  Many times I have helped out my fellow Windows […]

Happy Birthday Unix — a young 40.

40 years ago, Unix was dreamt up in the AT&T labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. If it was not for these 2 guys, Unix would probably not existed and neither would Linux.  Yes, I know, Linux is now based on Unix but nobody can argue that Unix has a lot of influence on […]

Microsoft and Linux in the same sentence.

I just saw this on Slashdot and I quote: “Researchers at Microsoft and the University of California, San Diego have developed a network adapter that lets a computer enter sleep mode without disrupting the network connection. The adapter, dubbed Somniloquy (meaning to talk in one’s sleep), consists of a gumstix running embedded Linux, 64MB of […]

My Computer Setup – Linux all the way.

I though it is about time I blog something about my computer setup.  I run a fair amount of machines for either work purposes or at home.  One thing I can say is that I am totally Windows free when it comes to booting up my machines.  I do however have a Virtual Windows instance […]

Project Managers: Emergency Meeting

From Geek Hero Comic Technorati Tags: project, management, meeting

OpenSource T-Shirt

I can wear a T-shirt like this: Read all about it on Geek Hero Comic. Technorati Tags: opensource, t-shirt

Upgrade done

Upgrade completed .. now running the latest WP – 2.8.3