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Google Pixel and Pixel-XL, but will we get it in South Africa?

On 4 October, Google announced their new Google branded cellphone called Google Pixel and Google Pixel-XL.  The hardware for these phones are made by HTC.  HTC has always made good phones and I like the build quality of their phones but they are not that good at marketing so the relationship with Google will be […]

Google Duo is available in South Africa

Up until today, Google Duo was not available in South Africa from the Google Play store. The only way to install it was to side load the APK which you had to download from somewhere.  What you could do was to pre-register on the Google Play store to be informed when it will be available […]

Google IO 2012 – Nexus 7, Nexus Q and Jelly Bean from a South African perspective.

As most of you might know, I am a fan of Open Source, Linux and what Google is doing so Google IO is something that I follow.  Although I am not a developer anymore, I would love to attend Google IO someday and yesterday I did the second best thing by watching the full 2 […]

GMail multi-account usage – just love it.

I have more than one @gmail.com account that I use on a daily basis.  Yesterday Google enabled to make it possible to log into more than one account at the same time.  There currently is a limit of 3 accounts you can be logged into at the same time. Here you can see that I […]

Twitter Location — Firefox more accurate than Google Chrome

I notice this morning when I viewed Twitter via the browser interface it had an Add Location just under the Tweet/Update input box.  I added my location in both Firefox and Google Chrome and Firefox was more accurate about it.  I assume it is either using IP addresses or more likely my Wireless on my […]

Why I use Google Chrome more and more on Ubuntu 10.04?

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and have both Google Chrome (v 5.0.375.38 beta) and Firefox (v 3.6.3) installed.  Although Firefox is still setup as my default browser, I find myself using Chrome more and more and it is mainly for the following reasons: Chrome starts up much, much faster than Firefox.  I have almost the […]

The rumour was true — Chrome OS

I am not going to say much about it except why another OS and what is going to take them so long that it will only be available in more than a year from now.  By that time the world has moved on. Why not just put a Chrome layer on top of say Ubuntu […]