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Bitcoin: a new journey – Glossary

Bitcoin Glossary For a couple of years now I have been interested in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and have embarked on a road of educating myself with it.  On of the first stumbling blocks is to get used to terms used and Bitcoin speak.  I am currently reading Mastering Bitcoin from Andreas Antonopoulos and found exactly what […]

Udacity learning — Week 2

I mentioned that I am doing an online Python course through Udacity.  The results from week one is out and I got 89% for my first homework assignment, got 1 question wrong and it was a realy stupid mistake. Currenly busy with week 2 work and must say that I am enjoying it.  The work […]

Studying again — at my age: Udacity

Today I want to talk about Udacity, a online Univercity if you like and I quote: We believe university-level education can be both high quality and low cost. Using the economics of the Internet, we’ve connected some of the greatest teachers to hundreds of thousands of students all over the world. Currently they are running […]