I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and have both Google Chrome (v 5.0.375.38 beta) and Firefox (v 3.6.3) installed. Although Firefox is still setup as my default browser, I find myself using Chrome more and more and it is mainly for the following reasons: Chrome starts up much, much faster than Firefox. I have almost the […]
As mentioned in this post and this one, I have 3 machines to upgrade. Today, I bit the bullet and did my IBM production workstation. As mentioned in this post, the upgrade path is not the normal Ubuntu one but an internal IBM one. It went fairly well except for the internal part that failed. […]
I have always been a Nokia man, but have decided to broaden my horizons and go for an Andriod phone. Yesterday I popped into my local MTN shop and placed my order for the HTC Desire. On Twitter, MTNSouthAfrica last week said and I quote The HTC Desire should be in stores next week – […]
Congratulations to David and Jonathan who was elected to the Ubuntu EMEA Regional Board. It is great to see 2 South Africans flying the Ubuntu flag. Here is the full EMEA Board: Jonathan Carter (still on board) Laura Czajkowski Alan Pope Dennis Kaarsemaker Stéphane Graber Oliver Grawert David Rubin Also good to see some ladies […]
Yes, upgraded one of my Karmic desktops to Lucid. It was the machine that I guessed would have been the easiest to upgrade since it was a fresh install of Karmic and not much was added in the sense of PPA’s. The upgrade went smooth except at one place it poped up a window that […]
So Ubuntu 10.04 was released yesterday with some problems. First there was the memory leak issue and then some issue around GRUB2 which meant that the ISO’s had to be re-rolled. I have 3 machines that needs to be upgraded over the next week or so. One of them is my IBM (yes I work […]
I was asked by a company to advise them on their business processes and how to automate this and just create an more integrated online environment. While I was meeting with them, they mentioned to me that they pay another company R2500.00 a month for a SEO report. I asked to have a look at […]
I suppose there is lots like me that would love to work for Canonical. Now there is the why and the what. Here is my why and hopefully my readers can pitch in with the what part. So why? I believe in what Canonical is trying to achieve with Ubuntu and the way they are […]
If you want to disable your touchpad on Ubuntu 9.10 then issue the following commnad once:gconftool-2 –type boolean –set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/touchpad_enabled false Then to disable the touchpad issue the following command:synclient TouchpadOff=1This command is just active for the session so when you reboot your machine you will have to issue it again. What I have done […]
I have a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and for a while now whenever I start Ovi Maps, it switches off the phone. This started when I had Ovi Maps 2. I upgraded to Ovi Maps 3 (the latest version) and also upgraded the phone firmware to version 31. Firmware version 40 is not available in my […]